뉴욕 DFS 사이버 보안 규정 준수

This white paper explains how Darktrace can help financial services organizations comply with key areas of the new 23 NYCRR 500 regulation, particularly with some of the more challenging measures, such as the 72-hour rule, managing third-party risk, and detecting and responding to cyber-threats.

White Paper


뉴욕 DFS 사이버 보안 규정 준수

뉴욕 DFS 사이버 보안 규정 준수

This white paper explains how Darktrace can help financial services organizations comply with key areas of the new 23 NYCRR 500 regulation, particularly with some of the more challenging measures, such as the 72-hour rule, managing third-party risk, and detecting and responding to cyber-threats.

White Paper
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